Sunday, March 27, 2016

BPC03 - Speedy Romeos

JK cheated on bpc at frannys yesterday at lunch
JT had a Danish brunch immediately before dinner
Insane amounts of food ordered

Stuffed peppers

JT is moving to the Berkshires for Jacobs Pillow
JK's job situation is absurd
SL admits to being hungover
JT would like to settle catan
MT is going to the ny times

Speedy Romeo Caesar

SL's drink count
Life at 40 a retrospective
Famous Adrian
Pizza retrospective
Top of MT's list is speedy
SL wants the too delicious from Emily's

The St Louis is cut weird
MT squeezed the lemon
Little Ceasers is in our future
Wine confusion
Tinder in western Massachusetts
The piano tuner and the guy from a log cabin in Tenessee
Gay bnb
Reprise of weirdly cut pizza
Spice is nice, as are hot peppers

hot peppers

Picklebacks at branded
TT's hair is a pompadour
MT determined the origins of the pizza cutting method
Polyamory in CA
SSRIs as expressed on facebook
Cruising through the neighborhood what happened to baby Jane style
Tragic Facebook posts
Clam pizza should have not been in shells
Delicious margaritas, no preferred Roberta's
Egg pizza decent but one note
Perhaps a fancy hat to denote notetaking status
Married people missing being single
Ebola's terrible tattoo
Motorino next?
Cheese shame
Ayla the feline criminal mastermind
Switched an earring with a pompom
Forcing MK to eat clams

SL at work
Phone break
Waiter looks like Mac from its always sunny
Delicious deserts

Olive oil cake and affogato

Instagram shares
Forthcoming snapchat lesson over picklebacks
Dusty St Amand, reprise
No phone rule?
Gaby and Thomas the fancy smooshy faced cat
Naturally occurring retirement community



The Saint Louis

Kind Brother

The KC Royale
