Active attempts to avoid discussing Trump
Moderate success
Origins of porn
Dietary restrictions of reduced group
Build your own pizza
BF confused about size
SL for speaker of pizza
A calzone is like a hot pocket
hot pocket
Limited menu but so many options
Park slope and memories
Bagel hole was delicious
Tangled homo
Tiny hole in the wall
Terrible Burger place at 7th and 9th now a Starbucks
Is waiter a homosexual?
Does he know that we are homosexuals?
Saved by MK being a one woman beard for for gay men
General beard compliments
Your beard has the most extra ordinary range of colors
Oklavegahoma now bf!!
You have to have a gallery in Chelsea
Crop tops in cold weather
Does frequency of days influence boyfriend status more or less than overall time
When straight men in their early 30s keep dating women in their mid 20s
Other people's romantic lives
Des Moines
Restaurant charming but empty
His house is like a workshop
Is it a shop? Like do people buy things?
Does one eat a calzone with a fork knife? (Yes)
Finally at a restaurant with crushed red pepper
Side of sauce
MK has excellent art
MK going to Queens to look at sinks
Ridgewood is approximately China
Calzone quite delicious
Significant truffle in Pizza, but where
Music very old school Sinatra
Important people use AOL email addresses
Smaller intimate club
Only ones at bar
End of days
nuclear arms while cubes of white peppers
Half slices led to maximum enjoyment
V mushroomey
Deep crust
Why is inauguration on Friday
Do Nielson families still exist
When Alf s family was a Nielson family's
Hatching eggs on Facebook
Then Farmville
Time is a fickle mistress
Buddy Cole
Is that Ed Murphy
Basil as vegetable
Speaking of free what about Chelsea Manning
Ivanka trump on a plane
But why coach
Gay polyandry with women
Very reasonable even with indulgent pizza choices
Red Proscuitto & Truffle
1/2 White Mushroom / 1/2 Red Olives & Hot Peppers